Small Business Loan

Don’t Let the Bank Stop You Obtain a Small Business Loan From Us
Securing a business loan from a traditional bank can be immensely difficult, even if you do have a flawless credit history and solid business plan. Fortunately, Commercial Funding USA can provide you with an SBA loan in just a short amount of time, regardless of what industry you work in.
We are a Preferred Financial Services lender, so we are able to process loan applications in a more efficient manner than other financial institutions. This means that you will gain quick access to the funds your business needs to grow.
Benefits of Our Small Business Loans
We offer SBA loans of up to $5 million, and there is no cost associated with our pre-qualification letters. Our flexible loan terms and competitive rates ensure that clients keep coming back to us. Other benefits of securing a small business loan from us include:
- No penalty for prepayment
- Finance up to 90%
- Variable and fixed interest rates available
The 7a loan program is endorsed by the Small Business Administration and is intended to provide long term financing to qualified businesses
- Fully amortized
- Choose from 7a or 504 programs
Additional Loan and Eligibility Information
- Hotels and motels
- Retail spaces
- Restaurants
- Warehouses and industrial facilities
- Office parks
To qualify for a loan, your business must employ fewer than 100 employees (500 for manufacturers), and generate less than $6 million in revenue yearly.
Learn More
If you are a small business or startup, Commercial Funding USA wants to hear from you. Contact us today to learn more about our portfolio of small business loans and financing options.